Monday, February 27, 2012

every kid loves eggplant parm.  I must still be a kid.  two days in a row now.  I made this batch for my new clients.  I like slicing them long ways and about a 1/4 inch thick.  I like how the eggplant gets creamy at this thickness.  I don't really salt them anymore.  The eggplants I get are not really bitter and I have a hard time getting the saltiness out of the dish.  Smaller organic ones are the way to go.
I make a gluten free flour with tapioca flour and white rice flour, salt ground oregano, ground garlic and pepper.  I make an egg wash and do the dip.  If you have a hot oven and a sheet pan handy, do youself a favor.  Heat the sheet pan wit some oil on it.  Add the floured slices to the pan and bake on high heat with convection...  you can flip them half way.
For the sauce.  I love POMI.  It comes in a carton which is the best way, besides glass to get your tomatoes, cans leach due to the high acidity of tomatoes and can be linked to some stuff you want to stay away from health wise...  stuff like the big C.
I sauteed a half a big leek (white only) a small diced carrot, some garlic cloves and a half a stalk of celery in olive oil for a few minutes...  added some smoked sea salt and some dried oragano.  Then add the Pomi (I used two cartons).+ a little water and cook down a while (half hour or so) and yup you guessed it puree.  Right before pureeing I added some chopped fresh basil...  folks this is the finest sauce I have made in some time.  I write this in part so I do not forget.  The basil was a magic touch.  The leeks were softer classier than an onion.  It was sublime.
Ladle the finished sauce into the baking dish and place a slice of the crisp eggplant on the sauce, top with fresh grated parmesan, more sauce, then grated mozzarella, repeat.  Pictured is two layers...  I made a three layer one on the side for leftovers.  you make the call here.  Top with more mozzarella and bake at 350 with convection for 30 minutes.  Wait at least five or ten here before serving.

While I waited I made some gluten free pasta, a new brand...  I'll inform you of this brand soon.  I got it at central market, it was an italian brand, and it was really over priced at about 7 bucks.  And it was the best, closest thing to real deal I have tried.  While the pasta rolled in salted water (about seven minutes). I slow cooked chopped garlic in two TBS of butter, added a ladle or two of hot chicken stock and simmered.  I pulled the pasta a minute early and finished it in the stock, added chopped parsley and swirled it around with healthy handful of grated parmesan reggiano...  bababooie I'm ITALIAN!...  the kiddos ate it up and the simple buttered pasta was a star.  I was one of those kids.  I'm proud of these two simple dishes tonight.  There is a reason why some things become standards.  Why you will still hear Hogie Carmichael's "Stardust"(written in 1926) a hundred years from now.  Food reminds us of cherished memories.  And sometimes we create new ones.  Tonight was on the mark.

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