Monday, February 20, 2012

Buray got a new job

I started working for a real nice family today.  I will be cooking four dinners a week and packing fresh food in the fridge for lunch.  I have been doing the family chef thing for year now.  After a good break I found that I still dig it.  It will never make me rich but dang it's sure is fun.   I get to shape he palate of three cool kiddos youngest is five and the oldest is nine.  It's good to be on the steady gig again.  It's the dishwashing that I really get paid for...  Cooking the food is a joy.
I'll post some stuff.
Tonight I made a shrimp salad for them for tomorrow...  I roasted the shells and made a stock...  reduced it and added some saffron.  I made the fresh tomato sauce and added the shrimp saffron and it was delightful.  I topped it with seared halibut steaks and a sprig of fennel frong.  They dug.  I made a healthy portion of tortilla soup, enough for leftovers.  and a prettly little sad of beets, goat cheese, fennel, frissee, candied pecans, dried cherries and blanched baby carrots.
tomorrow I'm thinking pesto gnocchi and a couple of T-Bones.  some kinda pureed soup and a wedge salad with blue cheese and bacon.

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