Saturday, February 11, 2012

broiled lobster tail and wilted spinach

I saw some decent sized lobster tails on special at the local market today.  I was also gently reminded that I met Cray Cray eight months ago just before I left the house.  As a kid my mom and her man, Jim celebrate milestones and anniversaries with lobster.  So why not?   I love lobster.  So does Cray Cray.  I surprised her.  She did say this "How come I have to eat all of my surprises and gifts?"
Cuz yer lucky girl, Cray Cray and I dig the hell out of you.  Thats why.  (Not sure I said it just like that but I meant to).
in order to get a good broil on you need to get the meat out of the shell.  I snipped the bottom rings so it would not curl and cut the top shell.  I par boiled or more like steamed the lobster in a skillet in a small amount of water.  Pulled the meat out and put a pat of butter on them before putting under the broiler on hi setting, all in the same skillet.  When they had color they were done.  I placed them on the plate and mixed the left over juice with more drawn butter for dipping.  In that flavorful skillet I dropped some fresh spinach and wilted it...  and we had a nice meal.  more like a snack.  We had already sat down to a half wedge of iceberg, tomato, cucumber, and bacon salad with a side of baked sweet potato shoe string fries I made from fresh sweet potato.
A couple of strawberry vodka soda's to wash it down.  Light meal.  But tasty.
I cooked some fresh strawberry's in water and a little honey, pureed, then strained and cooled in the fridge.  We added this to the vodka soda with a squeeze of lime.  And Cray Cray got me a camera so I can post better photos from here on out.   My blackberry camera just aint cutting it. 

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