Friday, January 27, 2012

Texican Smoked Turkey Tortilla Soup

I made a gumbo yesterday just cuz sometimes a man needs his gumbo.  Just as I started I got a call from an old pal in NYC, Joe Cheskin.  A food 911 call if you will.  Someone purchased him a Rudy's smoked turkey from TX as a gift for the holidays and he had half a carcass and a bunch of meat left over.  He wanted to know what to do with it.  "I dont want to make a Gumbo... the thought of making a roux right now scares me."  Ok Joe.  Roux is easy nothing to fear there.  but a proper gumbo takes hours and a days rest in the fridge.  none the less I got it...  here's what ya do.

When we had our holiday smoked turkey from Rudy's (also as a gift).  I made a ton of stock and got several meals out of it.  My favorite I repeated to joe on the phone.  Cook the carcass with some meat on the bone  with half an onion, celery, carrot, bay leaf, chipotle pepper if you have one, and a couple garlic cloves in a large stock pot for a least 2 hr's.  till there's no flavor left in that puppy.
strain.   season the stock with salt and pepper at this point, freeze unused portions.  Cube the turkey and dice a zucchini, carrot, onion, celery, cilantro, (frozen corn because it's winter).  bring a quart of the stock to a boil.  add some mexican oregano, cumin, cayenne, and salt to taste...  add vegetables reduce to simmer, add turkey to heat in broth...   place tortilla chips and some cheese in soup bowls, jack or cheddar is good, ladle soup into bowl of chips and cheese.  top with avocado and a full squeeze of lime.  you can add more cayenne pepper, cumin, fresh cilantro and onion here too.  to taste.

Texican Smoked Turkey Tortilla Soup

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